Press Release

The main objective of the collaboration between ADIENT and TUC is to demonstrate that a component in series production can be easily integrated with the patented TUC connector ensuring full functionality and safety.

"We are particularly happy to participate for the second year in the initiative taken by Sergio and Ludovico in their startup TUC which has grown rapidly in the last year. We believe that great modularity and customization within vehicles will be a very important feature in the future of mobility”.
-DANIELE VIGLIETTI Sales Director at Adient -
"It is the second consecutive year that we collaborate with ADIENT and we are very proud to have shown inclusion in a new modular world connected with one of the largest players in the automotive components industry such as ADIENT”.
- LUDOVICO CAMPANA Co-Founder, Administrator & Inventor of TUC-

Adient has provided his experience to integrate a product from the series production by adapting it into TUC 2.0 interface with premium features. The characteristics of the seat are all electric handling, massage, active ventilation and adjustable side panels.