Press Release

Capital increase for, the "smartphone" of cars conquers investors. Turin - 01 October 2019 the company founded and led by Ludovico Campana (Administrator and Inventor of TUC) and Sergio Pininfarina (Administrator and Business Director) successfully concluded the first round of investments, reaching two hundred and fifty thousand euros, the quota set for this round. This capital increase took place thanks to the great results obtained in the last years of development of the patented TUC technology ( and the interest that the automotive industry (and not only) has shown towards this technology is for this young but determined startup that aims to revolutionize the way we will conceive vehicles in the near future by moving them to a service-centric mode. With the capital increase operation performed by the new shareholders; Pietro Croce (founder and CEO at Merope Asset Management), Dario Tosetti (Founder, President and CEOatTosettiValue –IlFamilyoffice), SABELTS.PA (Company that produces passive safety systems for road and competition vehicles since 1972) and Enrico Boglione (CEO Aon Italia) TUC. technology lays the foundations for further developments of the industrial plan and the growth of the company. > More information on investors:
TUC s.r.l announces that it will proceed with the continuation of fundraising activities with the opening of the second round of investment to reach a share of € 2 million intended for the development of the industrial plan by the end of 2019 and then continue in Q1 of 2020.
"The closure of the first investment round represents a very important turning point for and for the work we have done in recent years" says Ludovico Campana (Administrator and inventor of TUC) "allows TUC Srl to consolidate our role more and more of pioneers in the world of modularity applied to vehicles to which vehicle manufacturers are appearing - continues Ludovico Campana - This will allow us to pursue our technological development strategy to radically innovate the vehicle concept and make it coherent with the new company ".
"The capital increase operation that has or has just concluded" says Sergio Pininfarina (Administrator and Business Director) "is an important goal achieved and is also an excellent message for the upcoming investors who are coming, for TUC srl - continues Sergio Pininfarina - is the demonstration of the technological and business credibility that our technology offers to the mobility industry, our constant desire to consolidate what has been achieved up to now is leading us to the realization of the future that we have envisioned.